I hope that everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing Labor Day holiday!
School Supplies
This year KWMCS made bulk purchases of school supplies for all students. Our Guides carefully selected the items specific to their program level, including individual periodical subscriptions, and we now have program-level supply fee information for families.
· Primary (Kindergarten) – $20/student
· Lower Elementary (grades 1-3) – $35/student
· Upper Elementary (grades 4-6) – $45/student
· Early Secondary (grades 7 & 8) – $55/student
Classroom Directories
Now that all enrollment forms have been collected and saved, we are updating our school family directory. Each classroom will have its own directory of parent contact information that will be shared among the families in their child’s class. Families who would like to ‘opt out’ of having their directory information shared with the other parents of their child’s class must notify our school office by noon this Friday (9 September). Classroom directories will be available for distribution on Monday, 12 September.
After Care @ KWMCS
Families of students attending KWMCS have the option of using our After School Program. The following rates apply:
– $12 per day for students who are pre-paid
– $50 per week for students who are pre-paid for the entire week
– $15/day for students who are not pre-registered and will be due at the time of pick-up.
– A sibling discount is offered at a rate of $5 per additional sibling.
Capoeira (alternating Tuesdays) Register for Capoeira
BlueGreen Ecology Club (alternating Tuesdays) Register for BlueGreen Ecology Club
Zumba (Thursdays) Register for Zumba
Running Club (Fridays)
Campus Tidy-up
Our House & Grounds Chairperson Craig Reynolds will host our next event to care for our campus from 9-12 on Saturday, September 24th. Families can select a project from the list found on our KWMCS Families page: http://maysandsmontessori.com/resources/kwmcs-families-portal/
One Human Race and Colorful Run
We are encouraging everyone to participate in this year’s race; we have three distances to choose from: 5K (3.1 miles), 1-mile, and a ½ mile Kids’ Fun Run. Thank you for sharing the registration link with your friends and coworkers: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/one-human-race-registration-26548881419
Lower & Upper Elementary Pajama Party
Please see the flyer for our first p.j. party of the school year – this is set aside especially for our Lower and Upper elementary students: Sept 2016 PJ Party