Published On: January 31, 2017

Parent Information Night

Our staff is prepared for tomorrow’s event, and we are looking forward to seeing you!  Join us from 6:00-7:00 tomorrow, February 1st as we explore: Supporting Academics at Home.  Families will learn practical ways to incorporate developmental skill practice in the home and hear creative strategies to encourage learning anytime and anywhere. Two service hour points will be awarded for parent participation.

Upper Elementary Performance

Please make time to watch a free hour-long performance at the San Carlos Theater this Sunday, February 5th @ 4:00.  Dig It, a musical tale of ancient civilizations.  The students have been working under the direction of talented artists Robin Kaplan, Penny Leto, and Lauren Thompson, and we’d love to have a packed theater!  Invite your friends and join us @ 4:00 on February 5th!

Campus Tidy-up: 2/11/17

Please save the date to help out as we work together to beautify our students’ campus: Saturday, February 11th 9:00-12:00.  Double Service Hours will be awarded to volunteers!

Red Party 2/13/17

Join our very own dynamic disco duo, the Super Coopers on Monday, February 13th, as we light up our outdoor area and have a dance party!!  The May Sands Montessori School Family Red Party will take place from 6:00-8:00.  As a reminder: these school events are for our families; child care is not provided during the dance parties.



While introducing kids to skateboarding for just one day during our Original COAST Camp, we’ve noticed that kids have a fascination with gliding along under their own power. But biking—which has a very utilitarian basis—skateboarding is much more of an art form. It’s about style and grace—and the things that happen between home and the playground or school. It’s about the journey and not the destination. Eventually, skateboarding can be about tricks and ramps and even competition or sponsorship, but before any of that, there needs to be confidence.

And that is what we offer at Skate Camp.

We’ll start with the extreme basics—things like terminology and safety—and eventually move into technique and simple “tricks”. Along the way, the kids will begin gradually, and then suddenly, to understand how their bodies and minds work together to produce a flow and a feel for pushing and maneuvering the board.

By week’s end, our goal is to have every single child significantly improve their initial baseline while building confidence—not just in skateboarding—but in personal growth and artistic expression. From there, we expect each and every new “skater” will have the skills needed to roll, cruise, and coast around the neighborhood with ease.

Reef Relief Spring Break Coral Camp Link:

March 13th -17th from 8:30 am- 4:30 pm.

6-12-year-old children will have the chance to explore and learn about their surrounding marine environment through exciting education activities at the Reef Relief Environmental Center and daily field trips. Campers will also experience four days of snorkeling: one day practicing their snorkel skills at the Key West Marine Park, one day at the seagrass beds and sponge gardens, and two days snorkeling at the reef!

Theater Camp @ Fort East Martello Museum Link:

(3501 South Roosevelt Boulevard)

Mon, Mar 13, 2017, 9:00 AM – Fri, Mar 17, 2017, 4:00 PM

The goal of this camp is to allow the students to develop their individual potential through creative exploration in the area of theater arts. The students will write a play, make the costumes and design the set. To add to the magic of the week musical accompaniment will allow the students to investigate the world of theater through exercises that activate their voices, bodies, and imaginations. Please join us for a Friday afternoon performance that will showcase the students’ hard work.