Need help paying for child care?
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Community Partners: The Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe is providing financial assistance for child care through our School Readiness Program. If you or someone you know needs help to pay child care costs, please submit an application at Currently, there are waivers in place that relax [...]
Soliciting Raffle/Silent Auction Prizes
Do you own or work at a business/restaurant that may be willing to donate a gift certificate or item that would make a great raffle or silent auction prize? Please ask! You can pick up a copy of our solicitation letter in our front office or print a copy Spring [...]
Give Kids a Smile Day = Free Dental Services
Community Health of South Florida hosts Give Kids a Smile Day, February 5, 2021, where children from 1 to 16 years old will receive free dental services! Appointments required: 786.272.2100 The only location where services take place in the Keys is at the Marathon Health Center: 2805 Overseas Hwy. MM [...]
Complete the Free/Reduced Lunch Application
Lunch is free for all students this school year but that may change next year. Filling out the Free and Reduced Lunch Application this year will help to determine the amount of funding that the state allocates to our district next year. Without this valuable information, school funding may decrease. [...]
Printmaking Art Workshop
Hello Montessori Families! Our former Art teacher, Ms. Bria is hosting a printmaking art workshop with household foods at The Studios of Key West tomorrow afternoon! There are a few important items to consider, so if you're interested in signing up your child, please do so today: Wishing everyone a [...]
School Meals Available to Students, beginning 9/8/2020
Starting Tuesday, September 8th until December 18th, all children 18 and under will be able to receive free breakfast and lunch at all Monroe County Schools. Check the MCSD Food Services Page and the MCSD Food Services Department Facebook page for updates and more information. Although this free service is [...]
Committee Selections
Charter school membership requires active support from each family, and it’s through committee work that our school grows and thrives. Even while our school is operating in an online learning community, establishing our committees is a priority. We ask that each family complete their committee selection by 11 September:
Device Distribution Schedule
Our school will distribute Chromebooks to all students beginning tomorrow (8/20), using the schedule below. We will have members of staff out at the car line to say ‘hello’ and facilitate the distribution of materials, paperwork, and technology. We’ll also have school spirit shirt order forms as well as a limited number [...]