School Family Event: Earth Day
April 22, 2022
52nd anniversary of Earth Day, and our students are celebrating in different ways. The Primary students will have a hands-on botany lesson as they plant fenugreek and observe its growth. Our Lower Elementary students will learn about reptiles and other living things during a special presentation from Pet Supermarket. Upper Elementary and Early Secondary students will have a first-hand experience participating in an effort to revive our coral reef with a Coral Fragging Party at Captain Hook’s Dive Shop in Big Pine Key.
As adult caregivers, the actions we take to address climate change can have a positive impact on our children as well as our home planet! has a list of 52 actions and tips to make a difference and a few have resource links:
Take a look at these developmentally appropriate titles recommended for young environmentalists
Test your knowledge about climate change with an informational quiz from the Earth Day organization