Published On: March 29, 2017


We have an early dismissal to allow for teacher professional development and planning; thank you for your support! Child care will be available, though Ms. Rachel will not host theater club tomorrow.

Florida Standards Assessments

Beginning tomorrow our 3rd year students will participate in standardized assessments for English Language Arts.  Thanks for ensuring that your student is well-rested and has a protein-rich breakfast.  Our 4th – 8th year students will asses within the next few weeks. Our assessment schedule is posted on our school’s website: (PDF available) (interactive calendar view)

Health & Safety

Spring is here, and it’s important that we equip ourselves and our children with a reusable water bottle to use, daily.  Families may also consider sending in a hat to protect sensitive skin from the sun, or sunscreen sport stick for your child to apply before outdoor activities.  *Members of staff are not permitted to apply creams, lotions or ointments to students, however; make sure your child can self-apply her/his sunscreen.


Our application season is in full swing, and we continue to have frequent observations of our learning environments by families who desire tuition-free Montessori education for their children. Current families whose children will be transitioning to a new program level would benefit from an observation of the new environment; Kindergarten, Third Year, and Sixth Year students and their families should observe the next program level in action to better understand and prepare for the transition.  Ms. Tonia is happy to schedule a visit for you, and our instructional staff welcomes your visit – observations take place in the morning for about 20 minutes.

New Members of NJHS

Today we inducted eight new members to the Southernmost Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society – our Montessori chapter is growing strong! The following students were welcomed by our current membership, who eloquently led the ceremony in its entirety:

New Members: Isabela Barr, Isabella Franco, Morgan Ippolito, Alexandra Malcom, Robert Malcom, Parker McSherry, Isabella Marchiano, Caroline Smith

Members: Cora Baxter, Sophia Braswell, Olivia Castillo, Nicolas Concepcion, Andreas Cooper, Amanda Eppy, Amaya Guardiola-Guerrero, Juliette Hamilton, Bailey Maun, Jonibek Muhsinov, Olivia Roberts, Siddharth Singh, Gili Sanouf, Landon Stotts, Montunique Van Staden, Morgan Zvolska


Potluck Picnic

Our school will host another community outreach event at Nelson English Park on Sunday, April 9th from noon – 2:00.  Help us share information about our tuition-free Montessori school, and enjoy a little playtime in the park with your kids! We’ll have a list posted soon @  – save the date and come out to play!


Graduation Preparations

Ms. Rachel is seeking a few string players and a couple of piano players to support us @ our end of year graduation ceremony; we will provide the sheet music and will provide our music room as practice space (when available).  Please contact Ms. Rachel for details.


Music Program Benefit

Ms. Rachel has been granted a fundraiser to support our growing music program! The Crowning of the new Key West Most Eligible Bachelor will take place @ the Smokin’ Tuna Saloon (4 Charles St, Key West) on Tuesday, April 4, 2017, from 9:00 PM — 11:30 PM.  We are thankful for community support of our programming!  Information about the event is available, here: