Published On: July 25, 2018

We need helping hands at our campus tidy-up this Saturday (7/28) from 9-1.  The main projects to be completed are caring for the outdoor environment (bring gloves and weeding tools), organizing supplies, and labeling the library.


School yearbooks have arrived and can be picked up in our school office between 9:00 and 1:00 Tuesday through Thursday, or this Saturday during our campus tidy-up.


As we prepare for the coming school year, this is a friendly reminder to check in to the FOCUS parent portal and ensure your contact information is up to date.  Log on directions are available on our school’s website:


Our first newsletter to welcome families to the school year will be delivered August 7th – thanks for staying informed!

*New school start and end time 8:15 – 3:15

*First day of school for program level seniors (3rd, 6th, and 8th-year students) Monday, August 13th 8:15-12:00

*First day of school – all students – Tuesday, August 14th 8:15-12:00

*First full day of school – Wednesday, August 15th 8:15-3:15