Our Extended School Day Care is available for May Sands Montessori students from 3:30-5:30, Monday through Friday. Payment is required at the time of your child’s participation in the Extended School Day program and may be paid directly to Ms. Pam or placed in the gray mailbox inside our front office.
Mrs. Jenn Marchiano (parent of Bella, Blue Tang Class) leads our Extended School Day Care from 3:30-5:30. Our school’s classroom assistants support Extended School Day Care during our Early Dismissals, from 12:15-3:30.
Our first Early Dismissal takes place @ noon on 31 August. Families must pre-register their student for Extended School Day Care during early dismissal so that we can appropriately plan for supervision. Please see Ms. Pam to register your child for the Early Dismissal Extended School Day program.
*Students who attend our Extended School Day Care need to have an extra snack packed in their lunchbox.*