Published On: September 3, 2018

Early Dismissal Friday

Mrs. Jenn Marchiano (parent of Bella, Blue Tang Class) leads our Extended School Day Care from 3:30-5:30.  Our school’s classroom assistants support Extended School Day Care during our Early Dismissals, from 12:15-3:30.

Our first Early Dismissal takes place this Friday @ noon (8/31).  Families must pre-register their student for Extended School Day Care during early dismissal so that we can appropriately plan for supervision.  Registration forms are available in our office.

*Students who attend our Extended School Day Care need to have an extra snack packed in their lunchbox.*

Pizza Friday Fundraiser

Our school will host a pizza fundraiser each month, and students will have the option of purchasing a pizza lunch for $4.  Additional slices are double-cut and cost $1.  This Friday we will host our first pizza fundraiser, and because it is an early dismissal day, all orders must be completed by noon on Thursday so we can ensure a timely delivery on Friday. Our pizza fundraisers are cash, only.  Be sure to send your student’s payment in a sealed envelope that is labeled with their name, the amount, and ‘Pizza Friday



Family Dine Out Fundraiser

Help celebrate Dr. Maria Montessori’s birthday and support your school, too!  Mention May Sands Montessori when you dine at Mangia Mangia this Friday (8/31) from 5:30 – 9:30 and restauranteurs Mike and Heather Barnes will donate 20% back to May Sands Montessori School! No time to dine in? Our school will receive credit for carry-out orders, as well!


Brewfest Fundraiser: Pretzel Necklaces

Our school has an opportunity to sell pretzel necklaces at this weekend’s Brewfest, but we need parent support to make it happen. We are looking for four volunteers to complete 50 necklaces, each., and we need two volunteers to sell the necklaces during the event (3:00-7:00)  Please contact our Fundraising Chairwoman Jenn Stefanacci today to sign up for this fundraising project: [email protected].



Supply Fee

Primary Kindergarten ~ $25
Lower Elementary ~ $45
Upper Elementary & Early Secondary  ~ $55

May Sands Montessori School has purchased school supplies for all program levels; this includes all periodical subscriptions, paper, pencils, notebooks, glue, and other consumable student supplies.  Payment may be made by cash or check (payable to May Sands Montessori) – please be sure to secure your payment in a sealed envelope that is labeled with your student’s name and ‘Supply Fee’ in Ms. Pam’s office or the gray payment box (in the office) by 15 September.




Volunteer Support

Our campus needs regular support, but there are a few projects that we need to have completed as soon as possible.  Please contact Ms. Tonia if you are able to help!
Install Flashing around Base of Tree in the Community Garden
Scrub and Rinse Large Turf Area
Repair Hosing for Outdoor Sink
Repair Lego Table Leg
Clean Lunch Tables (daily)



Ukulele Club

Who wants to play the ukulele?   Daryl Brooke, Blue Tang Parent of Charlotte and owner of the Grateful Guitar, is offering a free hour-long class on Saturdays beginning September 8th, at 10:00 a.m. at the Grateful Guitar* for May Sands Montessori’s Upper Elementary and Early Secondary students. The class will be limited to twelve participants, and interested students will need to sign up with Mrs. Lynn.  We will consider adding support personnel if there is more interest; we hope students will be excited at this opportunity and will be able to attend!

*The Grateful Guitar is currently located in Duval Square – 1075 Duval St. – but moving to the Key West Theater in November.



Family Friendly & Free for Kids Events

Take a look at the fun & free family events taking place in our island community during the month of September: