
Weekly Update: 4/3/18

ES Writing Assessment Our Upper Elementary students participated in the Florida Standards Writing assessment today, and our Early Secondary students will have the opportunity to show their writing skills tomorrow.  Although they’ve been working on expository and argumentative essays for some time now, our Early Secondary Guide, Ms. Jenni, thought [...]

April 4, 2018|

May Sands Montessori Weekly Update: 3/28/18

Symphony in Schools Program Our Upper Elementary students will travel to Key West High School this morning for a performance by the South Florida Symphony Orchestra, as part of the Symphony in Schools program. We appreciate these enriching opportunities for our students, which are made possible through generous donations by [...]

March 28, 2018|

Weekly Update: 3/20/18

Important Dates 3/21 Noon Dismissal – AMS Conference (childcare available) 3/22, 3/23 AMS Conference – no classes, no childcare 3/26 Classes Resume 3/30 Noon Dismissal – Charter Board Meeting 12:15, Blue Tang Room (childcare available) Professional Days for Conference Beginning Thursday morning, eleven members of our school staff will attend [...]

March 21, 2018|

Weekly Update: 3/6/18

The Great Gala was quite the shindig! The Fundraising Committee will meet @ 8:30 on 3/7 to give a preliminary report of the event – I look forward to sharing the results with everyone! *Any remaining silent auction items should be picked up in our office by Thursday morning – [...]

March 7, 2018|

Weekly Update: 2/27/18

*This is a reminder that we need to have all raffle ticket sales turned in to our office for processing.  Please do not wait until Friday to turn in your stubs and money!   Great Gala Our event is only four days away!  Families that purchased Great Gala event tickets [...]

February 28, 2018|

Weekly Update: 2/20/18

*We have two more early dismissals for parent conferences: tomorrow (2/21) and next Wednesday (2/28).  If you have not yet scheduled your conference, please do so today; families are required to attend two formal parent/guide meetings, annually.   Spell-a-Thon/Shape-a-Thon Close-out All donations must be returned by tomorrow (2/21) so that [...]

February 21, 2018|

Weekly Update: 2/13/18

Charter Board Service There are two vacancies on our school’s charter board; we are still seeking a community member, and a parent seat has recently become available.  While our charter board appoints community members and parent members for unexpired terms, they need candidates.  The term for the open parent seat [...]

February 16, 2018|

Weekly Update: 2/6/18

This is National School Counseling Week – we are thankful to have Mrs. Heather on our school team, supporting our students!   School-Family Partnership Our school thrives with a strong connection between school and home.   In general, charter schools require participation by parents. At May Sands Montessori, parent participation is [...]

February 7, 2018|

Update: 1/30/18

This is a reminder that free school meals will end after lunch tomorrow, January 31, 2018. On February 1st, school breakfast and lunch will resume at the paid rate: 2017-18 Breakfast and Lunch Prices Grades K-5  Breakfast $1.75, Lunch $2.50 Grades 6-12  Breakfast $1.75, Lunch $2.85 All Grades Reduced Breakfast [...]

January 31, 2018|

Weekly Wrap-up: 1/26/18

Parent-Guide Conferences It’s almost time for our second round of conferences! Be sure to reserve your time, below, and keep in mind that we have early release (noon dismissals) on the following dates: February 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th .  Child care is available beginning at noon, and families should make [...]

January 27, 2018|
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