Welcome to the second half of the school year! I hope that everyone had an enjoyable break from school and that we’re all ready to make our best efforts in this new year. Thanks for staying informed of our school events and important dates, and for helping ensure your student is prepared for school with a reusable water bottle, daily.
Parent Board Member Seats: January Elections
We will have four open parent member seats coming available on our Charter Board, and elections for those seats will take place next week at our All-School meeting (18 January @ 6:00). Members will have four months of service before becoming full-voting members in May, so there is plenty of time to get familiar with the processes and platforms. Interested parents need to submit a completed application to our school office by this Friday, 13 January. The following link will take you to the application: Parent Board Member Application
Great Gala – Bal Masque
Get ready to eat, drink, be merry and kick off the new year in style at our Great Gala! This year’s theme is a traditional Venetian masquerade ball – Bal Masque, and the event will take place from 6:00 – 11:00 at the Key West Theater (Eaton Street) on Friday, 20 January 2017. Tickets are $50/person which includes a welcome drink and plenty of delicious food from Chef Layla Barr! Cash bar…Casino tables…Raffle… a Silent & Live Auction, (generous donation from local business goods AND art from our very own May Sands students). This is the last call for support, as the committee is still in need of sponsorship as well as donations for silent/live auction items. Remember: families are responsible for completing five of the 25 total service hours in fundraising. https://www.flipcause.com/secure/cause_pdetails/MTMwNTA.
*Each student is responsible for selling ten (10) tickets, for a suggested donation of $10/ticket. Students who opt to sell more than their share will be given an extra service hour credit per ten (10) sold.
Contract of Commitment
Thanks to everyone who has reviewed their family’s progress toward fulfilling their commitment as a member of our charter school family. In addition to attending at least two parent conferences and All-School meetings, families are responsible for completing at least 25 hours of service, annually, to support the school. All families are required to fulfill their commitment by 28 April. All families will receive a letter tomorrow, indicating the current status we have on record.