

  We have extended the online and phone ordering deadline for you to order your Square 1 Art keepsakes and gifts featuring YOUR child's masterpiece. Click HERE to Order   Order Deadline: 11/12/2018 If you cannot locate your art access code, please contact Customer Care to place your order by phone, or receive [...]

November 9, 2018|

Weekly Update: 10/30/18

Impact Aid Forms Due The Impact Aid program supports school districts that serve children residing on military bases, low-rent housing properties, and other Federal properties, or whose parents serve in the uniformed services or are employed on eligible Federal properties. source: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oese/impactaid/whatisia.html Supporting Student Activity Please help welcome Glen Barr to the May [...]

October 31, 2018|

Weekly Update: 10/24/18

Reminder: we have a noon dismissal this Friday.  Extended Day Care is not available, due to construction on our outdoor environment. Friday is Pizza Day! and the cost is $4.  Additional slices are $1. Payment is due tomorrow (10/25) so that we can place the order. Be sure to send your student's payment [...]

October 24, 2018|

Weekly Update: 10/2/18

Family conferences take place twice, yearly, to share student progress in our program. The staff sets aside 25-minute sessions for each student's family.  This Friday, our Primary, Lower Elementary, Reef Gecko, and Early Secondary will hold conferences.  All classrooms will host conferences on the following Fridays (10/12,10/19). Follow this link to  [...]

October 2, 2018|

Weekly Update: 9/27/18

Upcoming Events 9/28 Pizza Friday Fundraiser, Early Dismissal 12:00 9/28 Family Conferences - LE, Reef Gecko, ES 1-4 9/28 May Sands Family Social @ Dante's 4-7 Family Conferences Family conferences take place twice, yearly, to share student progress in our program. The staff sets aside 25-minute sessions for each student's family. [...]

September 27, 2018|

Weekly Update: 9-18-18

Upcoming Events 9/21 International Day of Peace meet @ school by 9:50 a.m. 9/21 Race Packet Pickup @ Higgs Beach 4-6 p.m. 9/21 Family Dine-out @ Mangia Mangia 5:30-9:30 p.m. 9/22 One Human Race 5K 6:00 p.m. - come out to run, walk, or cheer on race participants! 9/23 Nicky's Paddle Celebration [...]

September 25, 2018|

Weekly Update: 9/11/18

Upcoming Events 9/13 Special Meeting of the Board 5:30 Blue Tang Room (small) 9/14 Spell-a-Thon & Shape-a-Thon Fundraiser Begins 9/15 Campus Tidy-up 8-12 9/17 Nimo Visits our School @ 1:30 9/21 International Day of Peace, 5K Packet Pickup, Family Dine-out @ Mangia Mangia 9/22 One Human Race 5K 6:00 p.m. [...]

September 11, 2018|

Weekly Update: 9/4/18

One of the most exciting moments at the beginning of every Montessori school year happens when the Elementary Lead Guides present the First Great Lesson, the Coming of the Universe.  Dr. Montessori believed that our work as educators should be to spark curiosity and to encourage discovery, and the First [...]

September 8, 2018|

Weekly Update: 8/28/18

Early Dismissal Friday Mrs. Jenn Marchiano (parent of Bella, Blue Tang Class) leads our Extended School Day Care from 3:30-5:30.  Our school's classroom assistants support Extended School Day Care during our Early Dismissals, from 12:15-3:30. Our first Early Dismissal takes place this Friday @ noon (8/31).  Families must pre-register their student for [...]

September 3, 2018|

Weekly News: 8/21/18

Our May Sands Montessori family grew over the weekend; Ms. Katie's baby, Ellis Marie Warner, was born on Friday night!  Although she arrived eight weeks early, Baby Ellis is strong and growing, but must remain in Miami to continue receiving the care she needs. Our Teacher of Student Supports, Ms. [...]

August 24, 2018|
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