
May Sands School Weekly Update: 12/20/16

This Thursday, Dec. 22nd we will have a special flag raising ceremony in which students from every program level will share a short holiday music performance - please come and join us!  Ms Rachel has been working with our students for this performance, but you can help, too! Together with [...]

December 20, 2016|

May Sands Montessori Update: 12/13/16

With the hustle of the holiday season upon us, I would like to everyone to take a moment and reflect on the importance of cultivating peace; it starts within us, and is a choice.  As adults, we have the responsibility to help our students recognize the connection between choice and [...]

December 13, 2016|

May Sands Montessori School Update: 12/6/16

Conch Train Caroling: Tomorrow! We still have seats available for tomorrow evening's caroling event. Tickets are $10/adult, $5/child – cash or check payable to May Sands Montessori.  Remember to send payment in an envelope marked with your child’s name.  We will host a festive pre-boarding treat under the Chickee beginning @ [...]

December 6, 2016|

Parent Board Member Seats: January Elections

We will have three open parent member seats coming available on our Charter Board, and elections for those seats will take place next month at our All-School meeting (18 January).  Members will have four months before becoming full-voting members in May, so there is plenty of time to become familiar [...]

December 6, 2016|

School Start Time Survey

The Monroe County School Board members have proposed that the district conduct a survey to get parent input on school start times.  The survey link is below; however, paper and pencil versions of the survey will be available at school as well. Families need to complete only one survey, even [...]

December 2, 2016|

May Sands Montessori Update

Volunteers Needed: KW Triathlon We still need 10 more volunteers from 6-12 for this Saturday's TriKW.   Double Service Hours awarded to volunteers! Please come out and support this awesome community athletic event and help raise funds for our school. Volunteers will be on Higgs Beach pier helping make sure [...]

November 30, 2016|

KWMCS Weekly Update: 11/15/16

Student-led Fundraising Opportunities One of the much-anticipated features of our school’s Upper Elementary and Early Secondary programs is the participation of our students in overnight educational field trips. This year our Fundraising Committee built in specific events for student-led fundraising, to help defray the cost of these trips. Friday Car-Line [...]

November 15, 2016|

KWMCS Weekly Update: 11/8/16

Message from Mrs. Shelley Dear Parents, I would like to introduce myself to some parents, and reacquaint myself to those parents who knew me a few years ago. My name is Shelley Schutlz and I am the new – and returning – guidance counselor.  I will be working with students [...]

November 8, 2016|

KWMCS Weekly Update: 11/1/16

Florida Family Engagement in Education Month The Florida Department of Education has designated November as Family Engagement in Education Month to celebrate and highlight the importance of parent and family involvement in their student’s education. At KWMCS we encourage a strong home+school connection because we know that students achieve more [...]

November 1, 2016|

KWMCS Weekly Update: 10/27/16

Purple Pinky Project our KWMCS community will join with our local Rotarians in a fundraising effort to eradicate polio. Students are encouraged to bring in $1.00, which is the estimated polio immunization cost for five children in developing countries.    Our whole school has been invited to participate in this event, which [...]

October 27, 2016|
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