
Notice from Monroe County School District: 9/11/17

Per the Superintendent: status of the Monroe County Schools is that we will remain closed indefinitely and I can say with absolute certainty that we will be closed through the duration of this week (September 11th to 15th). Updates will be posted as they become available...

September 11, 2017|

Post Irma Update: 9/10/17

I’m sharing the Superintendent’s informative post, regarding the most recent update. It appears that water leaks and electrical outages will be the first areas of repair needed to our island, once the debris is cleared. We will have more information regarding the reopening of school as soon as we know [...]

September 11, 2017|

Hurricane Preparedness: 9/5/17

The Monroe County School District (MCSD) will be closed tomorrow, and at this time there is no expectation on when school staff will be called back to work, or when schools will reopen.  Stay tuned to the school district’s website: http://keysschools.schoolfusion.us/ for district updates; May Sands Montessori School will follow [...]

September 5, 2017|

Weekly Update: 8/29/17

We had high attendance at our All-School meeting last week; thank you for making time for your child’s school.  Families who were unable to attend last week’s meeting will need to attend the January (1/24) and May (5/23) meetings to maintain compliance with our School Family Commitment. *Our crossing guard, [...]

August 29, 2017|

Student Forms & School Supply Fees

  This is a friendly reminder that student envelopes with completed paperwork is due to the school office; thank you for turning in your student’s forms. School Supplies May Sands Montessori School has purchased school supplies for all program levels; this includes all periodical subscriptions, paper, pencils, notebooks, glue, and [...]

August 25, 2017|

Weekly Update: 8/22/17

This is a friendly reminder that student envelopes with completed paperwork is due to the school office; thank you for turning in your student’s forms.   Enrichment classes began today; students will have Art with Ms. Bria, Music with Ms. Rachel, PE with Mrs. Sam, and special CARE time with [...]

August 22, 2017|

8/15/17 Weekly Update

Thank you for choosing May Sands Montessori School as your student’s education provider.  We are celebrating the 20th year of our incorporation, and our 19th year of operation as a component of the Monroe County School District, which enables us to offer tuition-free Montessori programming to students in Kindergarten through [...]

August 16, 2017|

Back to School Update: 8/10/17

Hello and welcome to the 2018 school year!   Our school team is hard at work preparing our special learning environments for the first day of school! We still have outstanding projects for which we would GREATLY appreciate helping hands: assembling shelves planting flowering groundcover along the inside of our [...]

August 10, 2017|

Summer Update: 7/25/17

Campus Tidy-Up Saturday We have our first Campus Tidy Up set for this Saturday, from 9-12; the main focus is taking out the weeds that have grown around campus.  Helping hands will need to bring a pair of gardening gloves, and remember to bring a reusable water bottle and wear [...]

July 26, 2017|

Summer Update: 7/19/17

Summertime continues and while our school office has shortened hours, there is a lot of work taking place! Our long staffing update has a lot of information, so thanks for reading.  Also, be sure to check our May Sands Montessori Families page under the Resources tab, as well as our [...]

July 19, 2017|
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